Matthew Koester
Celebrated for his “commitment to stellar sound and control” by Quebec’s La Tribune
and “gorgeous sonority” by the South Florida Classical Review, saxophonist Matthew
Koester enjoys a diverse career as an educator, chamber musician, and soloist.
As an advocate of new repertoire and voices, Matthew has recently premiered works by
composers Laura Schwendinger, Arun Luthra, George Lewis, Arturo O’Farrill, Gala
Flagello, and Michael Kropf. As tenor saxophonist of the award-winning Aero Quartet,
he can be heard on their debut album on UK-based classical label Orchid Classics. He
also appears on two albums with the Grammy-winning Prism Quartet released on XAS
records. With the Aero Quartet, Matthew has performed on chamber series’ around the
country including Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings, Chamber Music Yellow Springs,
Chesapeake Music, and Seattle’s Classical King FM.
Based in Madison, WI, Matthew teaches saxophone at the University of Wisconsin-
Madison’s Mead Witter School of Music. He received a Doctor of Musical Arts degree
from the University of Michigan.